On this page, you will find the top best cryptocurrencies and promising cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, trading volume today, as well as their growth and decline over the last 24 hours.
A weekly price chart next to each cryptocurrency allows you to examine the dynamics of Bitcoin and altcoins. This helps assess the favorability for investment, mining, and to make profitability forecasts.
By default, the exchange rates of all cryptocurrencies are displayed against the US dollar, but you have the option to view crypto rates against euro and other fiat currencies.
New cryptocurrencies 2025 are added to the list immediately after their release on well-known crypto exchanges.
Coincost.net receives cryptocurrency rates, trading volumes on cryptocurrency exchanges, and other data from third-party sources automatically in real-time. All information on Coincost.net is provided solely for informational purposes and is not a call to action or an offer. Currency rates and other data on the site are generalized and may significantly differ from real ones.
Please double-check the rate directly on the service or website where you intend to exchange, buy, or sell cryptocurrency.
Coincost.net warns that investing in cryptocurrencies involves an increased risk of losing part or all of your funds.